Payment Methods
After making the order, our sales agent will call/e-mail you to confirm the order. The sales agent will also ask you to make the payment and give you all the required information. The payment is required before the delivery is made due to safety reason. Our payment methods are the following:
Credit/Debit Card Payment
Cellphone Banking
First National Bank: eWallet
Bank Windhoek- EazyWallet
Standard Bank- BlueVoucher
Pay Pulse
Why our payment methods is secure?
Our payment methods are highly secure because it doesn't give any information of a customer's credit card or bank account. The customer sends money directly with no strings attached.
Take Note:
- Ensure you are sending money to the right number, because we will not take responsibility for that.
- When making the payment, please send the exact amount due to safety reasons delivery staff will not be delivering orders with money in their possession. In this case they won't be able to provide change.